Over 35 thousand of people around the world raced together on May 4th to run for those who can’t. The Wings for Life World Run was the first of its kind, with athletes and amateurs competing against each other in 34 races across six continents. 100% of the race proceeds go directly to funding spinal cord research.

In Romania, public figures like Mihaela Radulescu (photo 1), Dani Otil (photo 2), Roxana Ciuhulescu, Joseph Hadad, Daniel Osmanovic, Virgil Stanescu (photo 3), Alin Petrache, Andrei Rosu and Toma Coconea gave their best at the Wings for Life World Run. The celebrity platoon was led by Toma Coconea, who ran nearly a marathon, 40.5 km, followed by Andrei Rosu with 32.54 km. Dani Otil was very close to finish a half marathon, with 20.68 km and Mihaela Radulescu run 8.5 km. Daniel Osmanovic reached 19.81 km, Virgil Stanescu, 14.14 km, Alin Petrache ran 11.29 kilometers, Roxana Ciuhulescu 10.07 km and Joseph Hadad 6.81 km.
Romanian national winner is Eugene Constantin Sorop. He covered a distance of 58.86 km and Liliana Danci was the best woman, with 39.03 km.

3 million euros for spinal cord research
Internationally, the race was held in 34 locations, in 32 countries, involving 35.397 competitors. It was a friendly event which took place on 13 time zones and was attended by runners of all levels, from amateur to elite runners. And because hope and ambition can give you wings, an amount of 3 million euros was raised for continuing the research about spinal cord.
Celebrities and top athletes ran together
Under the slogan “Run for those who can not” tens of thousands of competitors, including people in wheelchairs, took part alongside celebrities and top athletes in this world event. Former F1 driver Mark Webber of Australia ran 28.36 km and skier Aksel Lund Svindal from Norway reached 28.22 km, while the Frenchman Luc Alphand ran 22.08 km.
Photo credit: Red Bull Romania